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작성자 윤용민(ip:)

작성일 2012-11-23 16:46:03

조회 34966

평점 5점  

추천 추천하기


생각보다 배송이 진짜 빨리와서 좋구요


사진으로 본것보다 더 이뻐서 좋구요


배송도 안전하게 잘 와서 그것도 좋네요ㅎㅎ


살까말까 망설이시는분이면 바로 사라고 하고싶네요^^



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비밀번호 입력후 수정 혹은 삭제해주세요.


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    스팸글 Rival legal teams, well-financed and highly motivated, are girding for court battles over the coming months on laws enacted in Arkansas and North Dakota that would impose the nation\'s toughest bans on abortion.
    For all their differences, attorneys for the two states and the abortion-rights supporters opposing them agree on this: The laws represent an unprecedented frontal assault on the Supreme Court\'s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a nationwide right to abortion.
    The Arkansas law, approved March 6 when legislators overrode a veto by Democratic Gov. Mike Beebe, would ban most abortions from the 12th week of pregnancy onward. On March 26, North Dakota went further, with Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple signing a measure that would ban abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, when a fetal heartbeat can first be detected and before some women even know they\'re pregnant.
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    Dannell ellerbe of miami dolphins feels new england patriots are vulnerable
    Ellerbe:Patriots are vulnerablefield yates discusses dolphins lb dannell ellerbe\'s claim that thePatriots are vulnerable in the afc east.Tags:Dannell ellerbe, miami dolphins, tom brady, new england patriotsellerbe:Patriots are vulnerable

    Linebacker dannell ellerbe says the miami dolphins believe they can end the new england patriots\' dominance of the afc east, although he acknowledges miami will have to\"Prove it. \"

    [ ] EnlargeStew Milne/USA TODAY SportsDannell Ellerbe, then a Raven, had to worry about stopping Aaron Hernandez in last season\'s AFC title game.Worrying about the tight end is no longer a problem for ellerbe and the dolphins in 2013.

    Ellerbe believes the patriots are vulnerable after the free-Agent defection of wes welker, multiple surgeries to star tight end rob gronkowskiand the release of tight end aaron hernandez, who is currently jailed on a murder charge.

    \"I was brought here to help knock them off,\"Ellerbe, who signed a $35 million, five-Year contract with miami this offseason, told cbssportsm. \"That doesn\'t mean we will, but we feel like we can. \"

    Ellerbe, who helped the ravens beat the patriots in last season\'s afc championship game with five tacklesAnda key fourth-Quarter interception, told the website that baltimore\'s approach to the patriots was\"To keep fighting\"And\"Eventually we could get inside their heads. \"

    The linebacker said the loss of hernandez, who was released by the patriots less than two hours after his arrest last month for the murder of 27-Year-Old odin lloyd, particularly hurts the patriots.

    \"Losing a starter always hurts and losing a starter as good as he was will really hurt,\"He told the website.

    The patriots, who have won four straight afc east titles, finished five games ahead of miami in the division last season.The dolphins, however, are hoping to narrow the gap behind the development of second-Year quarterback ryan tannehill and a big-Spending period during free agency, highlighted by the additions of wide receiver mike wallace and ellerbe.

    Information from espnbostonm\'s field yates was used in this report.






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